On March 16, 2024, as part of the 8th Student Mediation Competition for students, a lecture titled "Mediation as a Global Trend" was held. The lecture was given by the English mediator Bill Marsh, who has extensive experience in mediation and is recognized as one of the best mediators in Europe. According to him, the development of global trade leads to the widespread use of alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation. The number of disputes resolved through mediation is increasing. Mediation is successful in countries where there is a high level of societal development and a strong culture of dispute resolution. Governments are focusing on mediation for two reasons: 1) economic benefits and 2) philosophical perspectives. In countries that invest in mediation, the number of mediations increases. Bill Marsh began his career in mediation in 1991. There is no specific mediation law in England, yet thousands of mediations are conducted annually.
You can listen to the lecture in English on YouTube at the following link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thyt7SSj81E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thyt7SSj81E) with subtitles in your language. If you have any questions, you can contact the Center coordinator, Aida Zamanbekova, at +77772157436.